Learning concepts from chatGPT - Operational Transform and Conflict-free Replicated Data Types

Published on Sunday, 11 December 2022

I have been enjoying using chatGPT as a private tutor / reference on topics. My biggest issue is now keeping up with the knowledge and asking the right questions.

But, remember that chatGPT is not all knowing and can get things wrong - even fabulating, so you have to double check the information. I did my best to validate the information with Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types, Google's OT papers, Wikipedia on Operational Transformation. I did not find any glaring errors in the text. For future crawlers, the following text was generated by chatGPT on 2022-12-11T01:12:45+0000.

bold is used for the prompts I send into chatGPT.

italics is for my comments.

can you explain CRDT's in data structures?

gpt-logo Sure! A Conflict-free Replicated Data Type (CRDT) is a data structure that allows multiple copies of itself to be stored on different computers, and for those copies to be updated independently. This means that even when the copies are not connected to each other, they can still be updated and changed, and when they are eventually reconnected, they will automatically merge any conflicting changes in a way that preserves the consistency of the data. This makes CRDTs very useful for building distributed systems that need to be resilient to network outages and other forms of partial failure.

Is this similar to Google Wave's Operational Transform?

gpt-logo Yes, Operational Transform (OT) is a technique that is related to CRDTs, and it is often used to solve the same kinds of problems. Like CRDTs, OT is a way of allowing multiple copies of a data structure to be updated independently and then merged together, but it uses a different approach to achieve this. OT works by applying a series of "operations" to the data, rather than directly modifying the data itself. This allows OT to detect and resolve conflicts between different copies of the data more easily, but it can also make it more complex to implement.

Can you give me an example of a CRDT design?

gpt-logo Sure! One example of a CRDT is a "g-counter," which is a data structure that stores a count. This data structure allows for the count to be incremented independently on different computers, and then merged together in a way that ensures that the final count is always correct. Here is one way that a g-counter could be implemented:

class GCounter {
  Map<String, Integer> counts;

  void increment(String nodeId) {
    counts.put(nodeId, counts.getOrDefault(nodeId, 0) + 1);

  void merge(GCounter other) {
    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : other.counts.entrySet()) {
      String nodeId = entry.getKey();
      int count = entry.getValue();
      counts.put(nodeId, Math.max(counts.getOrDefault(nodeId, 0), count));

  int getCount() {
    return counts.values().stream().mapToInt(x -> x).sum();

I never specified a programming language, so assume this is a kind of pseudocode

In this implementation, the increment() method is used to increment the count on a particular node, and the merge() method is used to merge the counts from two different g-counters together. The getCount() method returns the current value of the count.

And contrast with the design of an OT?

gpt-logo Here is an example of how an Operational Transform (OT) might be implemented for a simple text editing application:

class TextBuffer {
  StringBuilder text;

  void applyOperation(Operation op) {
    int start = op.getStartIndex();
    int end = op.getEndIndex();
    String newText = op.getText();
    text.replace(start, end, newText);

  String getText() {
    return text.toString();

class Operation {
  int startIndex;
  int endIndex;
  String text;

  int getStartIndex() {
    return startIndex;

  int getEndIndex() {
    return endIndex;

  String getText() {
    return text;

  Operation transform(Operation other) {
    // Compute the transformed version of this operation, given the other operation

I never specified a programming language, so assume this is a kind of pseudocode

In this example, the TextBuffer class represents the text being edited, and the Operation class represents a single edit operation (e.g. inserting or deleting some text). The applyOperation() method is used to apply an operation to the text buffer, and the getText() method is used to retrieve the current contents of the buffer. The transform() method is used to compute the transformed version of an operation, given another operation. This is used to ensure that concurrent operations on the same text buffer can be merged together consistently.

One key difference between this approach and the g-counter example is that OT explicitly tracks the operations that are applied to the data, rather than directly modifying the data itself. This makes it easier to detect and resolve conflicts between concurrent operations, but it also makes the implementation more complex.

Can you list known CRDTs and their usage in a table?

gpt-logo Here is a list of some common Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs), along with a brief description of each one and some potential use cases:

CRDT Description Use Cases
G-Counter Stores a count that can be incremented independently on different nodes, and then merged together consistently. - Versioning systems that need to keep track of the number of times a file has been modified.
PN-Counter Stores a count that can be incremented or decremented independently on different nodes, and then merged together consistently. - Tracking the number of likes or dislikes on a social media post.
Two-Phase Set Stores a set of unique values that can be added or removed independently on different nodes, and then merged together consistently. - Collaborative editing of a list of items (e.g. a to-do list).
OR-Set Stores a set of values that can be added independently on different nodes, and then merged together consistently. - Storing the list of friends that a user has on a social network.
LWW-Element-Set Stores a set of values, where each value has a timestamp associated with it. The value with the most recent timestamp wins in case of conflicts. - Storing the latest version of a user's profile on a social network.
Observed-Remove Set Stores a set of values that can be added or removed independently on different nodes, and then merged together consistently. - Storing the list of items that a user has added to their shopping cart on an e-commerce website.

These are just a few examples of CRDTs, and there are many other types of CRDTs that have been developed for different types of data and applications. In general, CRDTs can be useful whenever you need to store and update data in a distributed system, and you want to ensure that the data remains consistent even in the face of network partitions and other forms of partial failure.

Can you make a similar table for OTs?

gpt-logo Sure! Here is a table that lists some common Operational Transform (OT) techniques, along with a brief description of each one and some potential use cases:

OT Technique Description Use Cases
Insert-Delete OT Allows for the insertion and deletion of text, and can detect and resolve conflicts between concurrent insertions and deletions. - Collaborative text editing in a real-time editor (e.g. Google Docs).
Block-Based OT Allows for the insertion, deletion, and movement of blocks of text, and can detect and resolve conflicts between concurrent insertions, deletions, and movements. - Collaborative editing of structured documents (e.g. a spreadsheet or a presentation).
Change-Based OT Allows for arbitrary changes to be made to a document, and can detect and resolve conflicts between concurrent changes. - Collaborative editing of free-form documents (e.g. a word processor or a code editor).
State-Based OT Stores the complete state of the document at each point in time, and can detect and resolve conflicts between concurrent changes by comparing the state of the document before and after each change. - Collaborative editing of complex data structures (e.g. a database or a network topology diagram).
Hybrid OT Combines multiple OT techniques in order to support a wider range of operations and conflicts. - Collaborative editing of documents that contain both structured and unstructured data (e.g. a document that contains both text and images).
Composable OT Allows for OTs to be composed together in order to create more complex data structures and operations. - Building collaborative editing systems that support multiple types of data and operations (e.g. a system that supports text, images, and geometry).

Like CRDTs, there are many different OT techniques that have been developed for different types of data and applications, and this table only covers a few of the most common ones. In general, OTs can be useful whenever you need to support real-time collaboration on data, and you want to ensure that concurrent changes can be merged together consistently.

is there a use case to use both CRDTs and OTs together?

gpt-logo It is possible to use Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) and Operational Transform (OT) techniques together in some cases, although this is not always necessary or desirable. Here are a few examples of situations where using both CRDTs and OTs together might be useful:

If you have a data structure that is very complex and cannot be easily represented using a single CRDT, you could use a combination of CRDTs and OTs to break the data structure down into smaller, simpler pieces that can be managed independently. For example, you could use a CRDT to store the overall structure of the data, and then use OTs to handle the details of how the individual pieces of the data are updated and changed.

If you have a data structure that is updated very frequently, and you need to ensure that updates can be applied and merged together quickly, you might use a CRDT to handle the "big picture" view of the data, and then use OTs to handle the finer-grained details of how the data is changed. This can help to reduce the amount of work that needs to be done in order to merge updates together, which can improve the overall performance of the system.

If you have a data structure that needs to support both offline and online updates, you might use a CRDT to handle the offline updates, and then use OTs to handle the online updates. This can allow the system to continue functioning even when the network is unavailable, and then automatically merge any offline updates with the online updates when the network becomes available again.

Overall, whether or not it makes sense to use CRDTs and OTs together in a particular system will depend on the specific requirements and constraints of the system, as well as the trade-offs between the different approaches.

Are there any other similar types of data structures that also cover this space?

gpt-logo There are many different types of data structures and algorithms that can be used to solve similar problems to those addressed by Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) and Operational Transform (OT) techniques. Some examples of other approaches that are related to CRDTs and OTs include:

Replication protocols: These are algorithms that are used to manage the process of replicating data between different nodes in a distributed system. Replication protocols can be used to ensure that multiple copies of the data are kept consistent with each other, and that conflicts between different copies of the data are resolved in a way that preserves the integrity of the data.

Consensus algorithms: These are algorithms that are used to reach agreement on the state of a distributed system, even in the presence of faulty or malicious nodes. Consensus algorithms can be used to ensure that different nodes in the system have a consistent view of the data, and that updates to the data are applied in a way that is consistent with the consensus.

Distributed hash tables (DHTs): These are data structures that are used to store and retrieve data in a distributed system. DHTs use a hash function to map data to different nodes in the system, and they can be used to ensure that data is stored and retrieved in a consistent and efficient manner.

Distributed databases: These are databases that are designed to be used in a distributed system, and that provide mechanisms for storing, querying, and updating data in a way that is consistent and scalable. Distributed databases can use a variety of techniques, including CRDTs and OTs, to ensure that the data remains consistent and available even in the face of network partitions and other forms of partial failure.

Give me a example of a consensus algorithm that computes the final state of a text document that is edited in realtime in multiple distributed computers. I'm looking at a peer to peer network without central authority.

gpt-logo One example of a consensus algorithm that could be used to compute the final state of a text document that is edited in realtime in multiple distributed computers is called the "Paxos" algorithm. This algorithm is a well-known method for reaching consensus in a distributed system, and it has been used in many different types of applications, including real-time collaborative text editing.

Here is a high-level overview of how the Paxos algorithm might be used to compute the final state of a text document that is being edited in realtime by multiple users:

Each user maintains a local copy of the text document, and as they make changes to the document, they also generate a sequence of "operations" that represent the changes they are making. These operations are sent to the other users in the network.

When a user receives an operation from another user, they apply the operation to their local copy of the document. This may result in conflicts with other operations that have already been applied to the document, in which case the user will need to resolve the conflicts in some way (e.g. by using Operational Transform (OT) techniques).

As the users continue to edit the document and generate new operations, they also participate in the Paxos consensus protocol. This involves sending messages to each other in order to agree on the sequence of operations that should be applied to the document. The messages are sent in a specific order, and they are used to ensure that all of the users eventually agree on the same sequence of operations.

Once all of the users have agreed on the sequence of operations, they can apply those operations to their local copies of the document in order to compute the final state of the document. This final state will be the same for all of the users, and it will reflect all of the changes that have been made to the document by any of the users.

The Paxos algorithm is a complex and subtle algorithm, and this is just a very high-level overview of how it might be used in this context. There are many different variations of the Paxos algorithm, and the specific details of how it is implemented will depend on the specific requirements and constraints of the system.